Forest Rehabilitation
The primary objective of this project is to ensure long-term sustainable production of timber from both cultivation of fast-growing trees and the management of existing natural timber stands, in compliance with all existing rules, regulations and prescribed constraints. Another objectives, is to optimize economic benefits to the Licensee (Rakyat Berjaya Sdn Bhd) as well as the contractor (Usahawan Borneo Greenwood Sdn Bhd).
Procedures and Methodology
1 . Compartment Planting Plan
A compartment level planting plan shall be prepared prior to the commencement of salvage logging, land preparation, silviculture treatments and mosaic planting activities.
2 . Stock Tree Tagging
The potential crop trees (PCT) which are in good from shall be tagged for retention during the process of preparing Compartment Planting Plan.
2 . Treatment on Natural Forest Patches
The natural forest interspersed among the planted forest shall be treated after the land clearing operations. Silviculture treatments shall be carried out soon after completion of salvage logging. And, one more round of re-entry after 5 years or when necessary (to be decided by FPD manager based on the field condition).
3 . Forest Health
Integrated pest management in an essential part of the forest management plan. Therefore, training courses on Forest Health shall be arranged for all FPD staff, to equip them with knowledge on pests identification, their damage, biology and control.
3 . Growth Monitoring
Permanent sample plots (PSP) shall be established 3 years after planting. The main purpose is to monitor growth and assess the potential yield on all planted tree species.